26 November
Whats up? ;)
So lately, life has been all about studying and gym workouts, except for the days ive been sick^^ Nothing knew right haha ;)
I got a new job at a hotel near by, i will be working the hours around breakfast, but there is now scheduale time yet!
So what is coming up in the near future??
*Hopefullt, if everything goes as i want, i will turn in my examination essay in about 2 weeks and give my presentation in 3 weeks, nervous girl!
*Other things too look forward to is, a spa- weekend with my lovely mam, sister and grandmother <3 a girls weekend that is so much needed.
* Christmas is coming up fast, whatever the plan is for this holliday, i will spend it with my beloved ones.
*New years eve is soon closing up this year and brings us 2016 ;) This one i will be close up to my boyfriend, the best man in my life. Love you <3
*Januari, the school is soon ending. Some final things to do in my other class of leadership before i hopefully can end the studying, except from one last attempt, the PT- licens.
Tomorrow it is friday agan, i have sad it before and i will say it again, time flyes by FAST :P
I wish, that i will get back some comments about my essay so i can work on it during the weekend and also squeeze in a workout tommorow. A lighted weighted workout- to focus on muscle contact and to not get sick again.
Here is a mix of different pictures from my near past ;)