Tuesday + Leg/booty workout
Here are i few of todays exercises ;)

Squats in a machine --> 1- Squeeze that booty (haha) / 2- In the low posision --> 3 x 10 today

Squat with a kettlebell (here i use 18 kg), tired in my body during todays session so i didnt have enery to go heavier ;) 3 x 10 today

"Legraise" - it really burns in your butt, 10 times straight up + 10 times to the side x 3 set

I have been so tired in my body these days, so i really needed to make a vitamin/energy boost shot with only fresh fruit and it tasted soo good (the color thou, make it look less delish^^) and to this i made som yammy bananapancakes (2 eggs + 1 banana). Easy and delish ;)